Starting Out

So... are you afraid

I first started cooking when I was a kid. Helping my mum in the kitchen. Weird thing was half the stuff I liked to cook I rfused to eat. I was one fussy kid living on a diet of sausage rolls (from only one place on Earth) and cheese sandwiches (only one type of cheese, only one type of butter, and white bread crusts off) That was my diet.

So when did it all change, when did I become a food lover. I now have a much broader palette, enjoy so many different foods and flavours. My first tip for the aspiring foodie, don't be afraid to try new things.

Kids are the pits, but you don't ahve to keep it totally basic. Just don't be heavy handed or give them foods you know are wrong. You won't find many kids have the palette for fois gras with black truffles.

But keeping it healthy and nutritious is the tricky part. But it is not impossible to make healthy tasting good food. Whether you are feeding an army or just cooking for one it's easy to make great food.

And forget restaurants. Yeah they have professional chefs, but really unless you are eating at Claridges and Gordon Ramsay is cooking ya dinner you can do just as good at home yourself.

That $30.00 steak and cold chip at the pub can be made just as easily at home for a fraction of the price and without the cold chips.

I like food that is simple to make, tastes good, and is reasonably good for ya. That's not to say I don't treat myself from time to time, just that a treat isn't something you have every day.

Also if anyone has any recipes feel free to send them to me, I'll be happy to post them here.

Good Eats.


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